What the hell is going on here?!?
We are Time Siren and Mad Woman with a Box. We are not your typical Doctor Who fans. We knit and bead and cosplay our brains out. We participate in convention panels, create & run music video panels and help run blood drives. Are we crazy and do too much? Yes. Do we have fun? Yes. Are we likely to stop before we’re six feet under? No.
One day the two of us got together and said, “What the hell? We aren’t doing nearly enough to celebrate our crazy Doctor Who fandom. Let’s do more!” and thus the insanity of The Corsair’s Closet was birthed.
Knowing we are not alone in the mad, fun world of people that celebrate their fandoms, we are ever in search of others like us. We sit them down and force uh, ask them nicely to share their silliness, devotion and play with us and our listeners.
Warning – our podcasts are PG. We’re adults, we swear. We’re Whoverts and write saucy fan fic. Since we are adults, we know how to curb the randiness when it threatens to get out of control, but if the mere mention of it upsets you, we are not the podcast for you.